The 7 Step Guide You Need to Know
Anyone available with an internet connection can write a story and easily convert it into an ebook and make it available for thousands of customers, mostly for free.
The major challenge is that market a book without the help of big traditional publishers like Harper Collins.
Many authors are using Social media platforms for this problem and it’s working good but there is one more way of doing this and that is “Self-Publishing”.
By self-publishing, we generally mean creating and selling a book online, outside the traditional publishing industry — in which publishing companies pay authors advances and a royalty, working with them to edit, design, and distribute the book.
Self-publishing is not as typical as you think it is, Self-publishing is a very easy and feasible process for beginners who are trying to publish their dream story.
The only thing you need to take care is that you follow the process correctly and don’t rush through the process.
Take the time to ensure every stage is done in a way that upholds your brand and your message to your readers. After all, the details behind self-publishing your book is just as important as the book itself!
The current stars of self-publishing include:
- E.L. James, whose Fifty Shades books were initially self-published as hot-and-steamy Twilight fanfiction.
- Guy Kawasaki, the Silicon Valley tech evangelist whose book APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur laid out many principles authors now use to find publishing success.
STEP 1: Create Routine:
Finding the time for writing a manuscript is a huge challenge for the authors. It is more difficult for people who have to manage their full-time job.
So, you need a proper schedule, and you will need to follow it with your full will and heart.
Whatever you need to follow that schedule, just do it like if you won’t have a coffee without writing 2000 words then just do it.
For more information on building your schedule, you can read this article Stop Procrastinating! Build a Solid Writing Routine.
Also, you can take help from the expert like ink your thought, we have enormous experience in this and can help you get through this.
STEP 2: Write the Book!!
The first step is that you write your first draft. An author which is regular in publishing a book will have a whole support team with him/her for the book’s draft.
But the process will always be the same for any author so the first one will be writing a manuscript always.
It seems like an easy task but honestly, we have to take 1000 steps before writing a book because eventually, the content of the book will only make it successful.
You have to complete your manuscript then only we can move forward to the next phase for the book.
The plan may vary on the type of book you are writing like:
Non-Fiction Book:
In this type of book, you try to solve the problems of the customers or people so plan for the type of content you need to write should have:
- Research from the market
- The creation of a “book proposal”
- The interview’s from the experts.
Fiction Book:
In this type of book usually author tries to create characters and different worlds from them and uses his/her all creativity to give immense experience to the readers.
For more knowledge for this, you can refer to this article.
While writing about true stories require a slightly different approach.
It is not like having something fictional and also not the same as non-fictional. The main aim is that the story reaches people.
You can check out this article guide to outlining a memoir for more knowledge.
STEP 3: Design the Cover and improve the interior of book:
Believe it or not, 40 percent of marketing and sales depend on the cover of your book so you need to make that attractive as much as you can.
Self-published authors majorly go with the attractive covers and also the interior of the book i.e. how pages are formatted.
So, after you complete this phase then finally your book is completed and you can move towards the sales and marketing of your book.
For more knowledge you can refer to this article Book Cover Design: A Definitive Author’s Guide.
Also check our website for the best cover designs that will give a boost to your book.

Step 4: Hire an Editor for the book:
Hiring an Editor is a great investment that you can make and according to the present scenario, it’s very much essential for your next book.
Writers are too invested in there own writing, they get lost in the content, remembering the moment they wrote a certain sentence or admiring some particularly well-formed phrasing.
An editor is looking between the words. They see the grammar, the spelling, the punctuation, the formatting.
And yes, they see the content but with a pair of outsider’s eyes offering that invaluable distanced perspective. Simply, an editor is looking out for the reader, not the writer. And that’s exactly what a writer needs.
There are different types of editing and different editors use different names for them but there are majorly 3 types only.
We provide all three editings and have experts in each field, so check out Ink Your Thought for getting a perfect editor for your book.
Now you have got the editor, so let’s move to the next stage.
STEP 5: Get an ISBN and Copyright for the book:
An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. It is a 13-digit number that identifies your unique book, both for readers and the publishing community.
Usually, it is essential for having your book on kindle. It is highly recommended because it makes your book professional and official.
If you want to sell your book on all the platforms they ISBN is a must. It is costly but definitely, it’s worth it.
ISBN may cost you very much but the cost will reduce if you buy more then 1 at a time. It is essential if you want to expand your market place.
Copyright basically means having right on your own work so any other person can’t claim that this work is not original or copied.
You can add copyright language very simply. Make sure it is in a prominent location, like the front or back cover, or contents page. And just write ©Year, Author Name.
STEP 6: Kindle:
Anybody can put their book on the Amazon store (ubiquitous amazon kindle) for free. Still, many people don’t have a proper idea of how to properly use the platform.
For example, while uploading a title, there are certain ways that can be done to increase visibility which can help in boosting your sales but unfortunately.
Many of us don’t know about it.
So you need to be expert in this or you need an expert by your side who can help you in this.
For more knowledge, you can read The Ultimate Guide to Amazon Self-Publishing article.
STEP 7: Launch Plan:
Apart from writing a great book, all of the other steps above can be realized through an afternoon of research and work.
But when it comes to marketing in self-publishing, we need to get serious.
The good news is that there are tried-and-tested methods for promoting your book, including automated mailing lists, price promotions, and online advertising
For more, you can watch this course on YouTube How to Launch a Bestselling Book.
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Contact Ink Your Thought for self-Publishing details, plans.
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